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Lion Stalwart Melvin Jones
Lions Club International began as a dream of Melvin Jones, an American businessman who belonged to a club named the Business Circle of Chicago. Melvin Jones, born January 13, 1879, believed that local business clubs should expand from purely professional concerns to focus on working for the betterment of their communities. In 1917, he contacted members of similar independent organizations around the country and invited them to a meeting. Most agreed to merge as one association of clubs, and they took the name of the largest group, the Indiana-based Association of Lions Clubs. Jones was elected as its first Secretary in October 1917, thus beginning a 44-year career with the organization.
The Melvin Jones Fellowship (MJF) is the backbone of our Foundation. Created in 1973, it is presented to those who donate US$1,000 to Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF) or to people for who a donation was made by others. It's a tremendous contribution to humanity and to the legacy of our Founder.
Contributions for the MJF can be made by individuals (including non-Lions), clubs or districts. Donations may be in one sum or in installments. Melvin Jones Fellows receive a special lapel pin, a plaque and a congratulatory letter.
The Progressive Melvin Jones Fellowship (PMJF) program is a way for donors to extend their commitment to LCIF. There are 54 recognition levels beyond the initial US$1,000 MJF contribution with a unique pin for each giving level. After contributing US$100,000, donors become Humanitarian Partners.

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